Follow @CapitanEuropa "Many Nations, a single Country, many Peoples only one Home, Europe"Manifesto for the European renaissancePreamble and programmatic line of the new pan-European political movementEurope has its roots in common, must not forget its history, should no longer delegated its destiny to others. Europe must be the Union of its peoples as a great and strong centuries-old tree has its roots in the land, but stretches out his long arms toward the infinite sky. "The earth is our past to defend, the sky our future win". Europeans must mature in a true patriotic sentiment towards Europe. Over the centuries, the love of country has been increasingly expanding geographically: in ancient Greece, Rome and the Middle Ages the country was the city, the people felt for example Athenian, Roman, then Florentine, Parisian, Berliner. Subsequently, the country became the region of origin, it was Lombards, Catalans, Burgundians, Bavarians. In the nineteenth century with the emergence of nation-states were born modern forms of patriotism and became Italian, French, German, Spanish. But all this can now be passed by the highest European patriotism. This does not mean abandoning its roots, but understand that our country has now become common in Europe. You can sublimate so our sense of patriotism in a broader local unites us in a new common feeling that overcomes language and cultural barriers, which is the natural result of our shared history over the centuries has led to clashes between us but also to integrate more and more until you reach the present situation in which, European citizens, we can move and communicate without any barrier between us. Barriers that we are finally realizing they have been for centuries the fictitious fences erected to prevent us from creating a New European Renaissance our new Homeland. Highlights of our program:
The program points you just read is only the beginning of our project just started and still under construction. We aim to create a movement rooted in the territory, able to influence government decisions, from local to national, to arrive at the birth of a true European Federal State. We ask for your contribution. Send us your suggestions and discuss together. We are looking for willing people, who believe in our ideals and want to build the Future of Europe with us. 02-22-2011 Us to grow, we need you.Europe, to grow, it needs you!Contact Us!Subscribe to our Newsletter© Capitan Europa 2011 - 2024 |